Thursday, May 19, 2011

Mmm Mmm Mmm =)

So, I've recently found this lovely blog that I like to pour over and wish I could make everything on it. However, since I'm a poor college student, I have to pick favorites. I decided on some plain sugar cookies, because who doesn't love sugar cookies!??!

Doesn't take too many complicated ingredients, which the poor college student likes =)

Something that this recipe told me to do that I'd never heard before was, instead of scooping the flour out of the bag with the measuring cup, you spoon the flour into the cup, and then just scrap off the extra with a knife. I didn't compare to doing it normally, but they came out great, so I think it was a good idea.

What I thought was interesting was that this recipe only called for 1 cup of sugar, creamed with a cup of butter before adding the other ingredients. I might add a bit more sugar next time, or maybe just sprinkle some coarse sugar on the outside before baking.

Mix all the ingredients until it balls up and tastes awesome...I mean, wait, I have no idea what the raw dough tastes like, salmonella and all...yeah....

Something else awesome I found with this recipe was the concept of rolling the dough between two sheets of parchment paper before chilling it in the fridge. As you can see, I just used my fondant pin on the largest ring and flattened the dough out between the paper. Then just set in flat in the fridge for about half an hour.

After a half hour, just peel the paper back and start cutting. I only like to bake one pan at a time in my oven, since it's not that great, so I only cut out 6 circles, put the rest back in the fridge until the first set was done. Try to avoid mixing chilled and thawed on the same pan, or some will bake faster than others once they go in the oven. When you run out of space, just ball the dough back up, put the parchment paper back on top, and re-roll and chill. Continue until you use all the dough.

Bake them up (pretty fast baking time, only about 8-9 minutes a batch when the dough is chilled) and have at it. I love frosting and sprinkles cause they're so cute, but they would have been great just on their own. This will be my new sugar cookie staple in my baking arsenal. Hope you enjoy! =)

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